So, I'm level 49. I'm not quite killing Boars in one shot.
As for being a Hybrif BH KFF, what should my stats be?
So far my STR is 220, CON 39, DEX 18, AGI 40, INT 12, WIL 0.
Where should I be placing my stats into?
So, I'm level 49. I'm not quite killing Boars in one shot.
As for being a Hybrif BH KFF, what should my stats be?
So far my STR is 220, CON 39, DEX 18, AGI 40, INT 12, WIL 0.
Where should I be placing my stats into?
to kill boars 1 shot, those are not the stats u should be looking at.
Speed 250-260, Melee 4000+, PhyHit 180+. If u have this 3 stats, u will be able to 1 hit boars first before they hit u
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