
[Regeneration]Regenaration_guide_works_like_perm_refresher Andriux

Hello perm refresher costs way too much for some people... Well it costs 2kgc-2.5k gc... Thats crazy some people may let you borrow perm till 55. But if youre healer its not best build. I recomend you to use this suit only if you grind on mobs hp-2320. Not more. So items are- Arrogance Hat-10%regen after battle. Revival light or time healer- 10%regen after battle - rastlin regards from thanksgiving event 30%regen after battle Any st patrick suit 20%regen after battle. Lets count Arrogance hat 10+ revival light or time healer 10+ rastlin regards30+ st patrick suit 20+= 70%regen after battle not bad! Worst thing is to buy arrogance hat 1-1.5k gc . Its pretty cool for orc (youll hit low). So if you dont have perma use this but arrogance hat costs ALOT so better dont buy it youll have 60%regen not bad! For warrior if he has 700mp he uses 300for thunderbolt suit regens 60% so its about 350mp and more :) so enjoy
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    Lee Cotterill

    Sometimes not all regeneration items stack/work together. Instead what happens is that the highest regen% item (most likely fashion) is the only thing that works. Sure youre right, perms are always the best ideas (especially since new years charm came out), and they are so expensive (and are mostly autobinding when you open chests 45) they are worth it for most builds. Since st. patricks day fashions are 20-10% healing, they can be used to greatly help regeneration between rounds, however, I have experienced and heard about fashions not always stacking with items. So I still had 20% regen to character even though I should have had more. This is a big problem when players use rastlins' charm, the 1.1exp (like my pumpkin halloween suit) do not stack with other regen items. Yea I've tried it, and have had players said the 1.1exp on the items doesnt like to work well with other regeneration items.

    The best way to regen is to get a 20-10% regen fashion and have high enough hp/mp that you can regen all or a significant portion of your stats. But perms are amazing, sometimes required for harder instances and events.


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    Thanks cots if you heard this so its not best thing but it may work for some people. Yes fashions are awesome thing to regen (st. Patricks one). So for example i have 1k mp and hp my pet has 1k mp and hp too its useless for orcs becouse - i use thunderbolt warrior skill all foes lv21 300mp it restores 200mp so its awesome then you need and healer who gives 100mp every battle and youre good. But if theres no healer youd need some of these items like rastlins regard- 30%regen no suit need it restores my all mp i wrote this guide for people who are grinders and they need to restore theyre lost - hp-mp.

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    A permanent energy refresher is the most valuable piece in any player's arsenal.  Don't bind it and just send between your characters as you need it for grinding while leveling.  Like you and Cots point out, a 20% fashion is great if you can afford it.  However, unless future events provide them you may be out of luck and need to settle for a 10% fashion (600-1000 gc atm).  In this case, max mp so that your aoe (attack on all enemies) is replenished by the 10% from the bound fashion.  Otherwise, get a pet and set it on auto with just the active skill that restores master's mp.  Level the pet skill just enough to cover your mp used by the aoe.  You will need to replenish the pet's mp less frequently than your own that way.  Cheers!

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