
[Equipment] Gearing up PROPERLY! Rings, Earrings, and Neck


If you want to burn your opponents and enemies that attack from behind, then you might want to get the right gear for leveling up.  Good rings, a necklace and amulet is one of the reasons this sorry opponent was burned my Wizardly awesomeness.

Gear is going to determine how powerful your character is.  It is important that you FOCUS on getting gear that compliments your class! (e/g/ If you are a Warrior, you don't want INT and WIL.)  There are a few items that you can get right off the bat that are available to all characters at a very early level.  Using the right items can be the difference between killing an entire mob in one shot, or getting killed because you couldn't kill everything fast enough. This guide particular guide suggestions for adding some awesome improvements to your character.

To get the rings and earrings I describe in this game, then you need to go to Twilight Town, and prepare to spend some Silver!

You are going to need a high level (Pref 55) who can port you to the town to purchase these items.  This is the best earring/ring set available to you at earlier levels and continues to shine even up till your 50s! Some earrings give a % bonus to stats, but you do not get the full potential out of that item until you have enough base stats etc. to get more +STAT than the +5 suit bonus.


An easy piece of gear to get for your character that can add a considerable amount of beef to your Health or Mana poolis the Empire-Lv8 (HP or MP) Charm. This convenient neck piece will stay with you for a very long time and you can even keep one in your bag if you need extra stats for a particular fight, boss or mob.

  • Bind Effect: MAX HP +1000 or MAX MP +1000
  • Require: Level 1
  • Purchase Location: To purchase this item, you should head to one of the top Empires under the Social button.  Don't go to an empire that requires an entrance fee - there are ones just or almost as good for free.  This charm is sold at the Item Shop in high level Empires. Try one of the top 5.  Different +HP/MP amounts are added depending on the item shop level.  You need to go to the item shop of the appropriate level!


I am going to use my earrings as an example.  They come in INT, WIS, DEX, AGI and STR. These are better than the set that gives you a +%stat bonus because you won't have enough base stat to truly take advantage of it until you are generally level 50-55.

Int Earring (Powerful)

Bind Effect: Int +10

Suit Effect: Int +5

Bound: (Bound)

Grade: Epic (Woooot!)

Socket: x/20

Type: Earrings (Even dudes wear 'em!)

Durability: 127/127

Required: Level 20


The same concept for the rings is applied when it comes to a +STAT or +%stat suit bonus.  You only need ONE RIGHT to get the Suit Bonus! I reccomend getting two rings because there's a big chance you won't find better ones until you reach level 50-55.

Int Ring (Powerful)


Bind Effect: Int +10

Suit Effect: Int +5

Bound: (Bound)

Grade: Epic (Woooot!)

Socket: x/20

Type: Earrings (Even dudes wear 'em!)

Durability: 127/127

Required: Level 20

This guide was written by Rhastar2.

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