
[healer]_a maxed hp healer build_Flashh

This guide will show you how my build is built :p

Im a healer with a hp as high as possible. (stats are full con, and im kung fu fighter)
My hp is currently 42479hp because i lack the gold coins to buy some gear who would get my hp to 60000hp.

First off all ill show you the passive skills i have maxed out to increase my hp:
- Iron body lvl20 (warrior skill); max hp +1750 , con +20%
- Increased stamina lv20 (kung fu skill); con +33 , max hp + 28%
- Power of sun lv20 (kung fu skill); max hp +62% , con + 12%
Other skills i have to boost hp (but i havent maxed them out) are:
- Blood boost (wizard skill)
- Bulls's endurance (hunter skill)
- God body (shaman skill)

My auto skill is:
- Rejuvenation lv20 (kung fu skill); Target= user, Regenerate +20%hp and +10%mp, mp cost = 240mp
         This skill comes in very handy when ur mp is above 2400 becaus eit means infinite mp supply and a very powerfull autoheal when ur hp is very high.
          If you want to heal ur team id recommend taking healing aura, mass (warrior skill)

My Active skill is (like the active off almost any healer);
- Silent rain lv20 (hunter skill); target= all teammates, Regernerate Max hp +15% and max mp +10% , last for 2 rounds. Mp cost =290mp

So if we count the heals up: +20%hp(from auto) , +15%hp x2 (2nd round) = +50%heal on urself!!
So i (with my hp of 40K) can heal myself for 20K hp in battle! If you end up in 1v1 pvp ur almost unbeatable (if not cursed of course, but there are ways to avoid being cursed)
A good healer should keep an eye on defences and resistances too.
Of course ur free to do as you please.

Lastly i propose the perfect gear (in my opinion) for a very high hp: (from which i havent got some items yet)
- Tensaiga saber (+70% hp!!!)
- Ire of abyss (+50%hp)
- Christmass suit ( body + headpiece= 3000hp, even extra bonusses if blessed- but its rare en tho very expensive :p )
     or angel hat and fairy praise: (each 30%hp)
- Red star rings (+300hp)
- Azrael earring (50%hp)
- and of course a charm to boost hp with 1000 as well
there are many other good items to boost hp like the glory set, these items all give fixed hp boost like + 300hp (depends on piece)

I just wanna say if you want to be healer at lv 55, go level as a fighter.
If you start boosting healing skills while low level, grinding and leveling will become extremely hard on ur own.
So you will be very dependent on other players. I experienced this by myself, luckily i have good friends who helped me get through the high levels
*pointing at PKK*

Its awesome being a healer and i enjoy every single minute of it.

thanks for reading and cya around somewhere :)

Greetz Flashh from PKK
(Shupaah is my main now) 

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    Very nice build Flashh!  Thanks for sharing!

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    try pvp flash. =X tanker VS tanker.

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    Permanently deleted user

    hi Flashh,


    What's your IGN? I will give the reward to you.

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    My IGN is Flashh :) Thanks guys :p

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    Btw if someone has an*_ ire of abyss_* or an azrael earring and you dont need it I'll be happy to receive it ^^  ;)

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    are u online? lets try pvp. =)


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    sure coming online now :)

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    good fight =)


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    jacob kemper

    what stat point set up would u suggest with this?

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    If you want to get your hp as high as possible you should choose for con (thats what i did),  

    but remember you wont have any magic or range defences that way.

    Most other tanks/healer are using more wil, but their hp wont be as high as i am trying to get it :) 

    I am using  a merfolk to protect me from magic damage, my range defences are rather low, but arent much strong hunter around though :)

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    +1 nice

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    Lolz reward me to hahah

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    just wanted to let ppl know i started playing again :)

     you can find me most of the time on 'shupaah' (as member of atlas empire)

    i want to see what the updates will bring to the game :p about the artificer and enchanting stuff; good job :)

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    Same as me Flash. Go check my blog again, or the Strategy and guide portion at the forum.

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    checked it :) good job ^^ 

    im trying to figure out some things myself.  I'm making a list of all things that are good to now for money making, or instance things.

    When exams are done ill finish and provide the list :p 

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    E J Rogers

    thanks for the pkk refrence bro, miss you guys and awsome guide you should updadte it to incorperate arti skills. 

    thanks bro, terro

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    E J Rogers

    thanks for the pkk refrence bro, miss you guys and awsome guide you should updadte it to incorperate arti skills. 

    thanks bro, terro

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    Jff MC Erz

    wow lots of hp:D

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    Chieann Barro

    What if your enemy is a stunner(holder)?since the auto skill you used is rejuvenation you are unable to cast silent rain for two rounds!

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    kai kirkman

    make a dodge tank there way better now


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