239996 Female and 614927 Male. Congratulations! :)
Please select one of the following 4 permanent fashions as the reward by contacting our GM in game. We will deliver the rewards ASAP. Thank you.
We received report that someone is creating new forum account to vote for this event, which may hurt the fairness that we are chasing after and what we planned this event for. Therefore, please note:
Vote via forum account created after this event starts does not count or is invalid.
You can try other ways to ask your friends to vote for you. Thank you.
[Eligible Avatar]
For large pictures or event details, please visit:
[Vote Rules]
1. Each forum ID can vote once only. Only your first vote works;
2. Please follow this thread to vote by writing down the number of the corresponding character on the Eligible Character List below;
3. You need to vote during Oct 9~Oct 13 forum timestamp;
4. The rewards will be delivered ASAP within 3 working days after the event ends.
[Eligible Character List]
Enjoy! :)