Hi everone, this is the new reward for the new instance, love it? Stay tuned!
New Instance & New Reward
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LyNx This is awesome!
When this vehicle will be release? -
Enplosion This is stupid why would the be a freaking motorcycle in this game. Has lakoo ran out of ideas and just started making up crap?
LyNx Have fun!
Enplosion I wish they would come up with something better than this like a mammoth mount, or a panda mount, maybe even a rhino mount, something that belongs in the game. A motorcycle? Thats a bunch of BS!!
Roland Simard respect their decisions @Enposion, maybe they will have better ideas if players mailed them suggestions for what they would like to see in future game content.
Roland Simard And i agree, a mammoth would be awesome @Enplosion
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