
Login interface is coming back

Hi all,


We are planning to give the login interface back to you as more and more players wants more than 4 characters in game.

This change may affect the players that have not bound their accounts, I hope you can bind your accounts asap.

I will let you know more about the new version of login interface.

Best regards,



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  • 0

    my problem is the log in screen always appears and i have no account

    can't play this game >_<

  • 0

    Hi Jasmine, when is it gonna be exactly? Because I still cannot log my account on my android even after bounding and got helped from cs lakoo... I am planning to buy iphone 5 too but I am still pending it because I cannot log my account from any other devices...

  • 0

    Please give us a common login interface like any other online games

  • 0

    Which requires username and password :)
    Moreover, please fix the merge cancellation as soon as possible :(

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