1. Carmi mine quest. The 'Big Pump' quest cannot be done because the little red dragon mob is not shown when u try to complete "Guard the entrance" quest. EPIC FAIL.
2. To do lv60 "Real Peng Meng" quest, u need to kill the Berserk Peng Meng after u hand in the 'Fake Peng Meng" quest, which is triggered automatically. So a team of 5 has to kill 1 fake, 5 berserk and 1 real to complete the lv60 instance. EPIC FAIL.
3. Theres no way we can get moon jade to craft the event items under Houyi NPC. EPIC FAIL
PS : the only events that arent pathetic are only IAP bonus and Summer packs events. Because these are the events u LAKOO are actually making money out of us. All the other events are either BUGGED or EPIC FAILS.