OK whatt the hell lakoo? Im a really loyal person to EO and some things i can put up with..but this time im fed up!! About 2 days ago my wife(miwary/ igotpowa/terroriz) crashed 3 times and when she logged back on all her items were gone. One of those items was MY REINDEER. When she mailed gm it took 2 days to get a response...it said (exact words): "Hi miwary, each account has one chance ONLY to recover. WE have sent you your equipped items but i regret telling you that we can not send the unequipped ones due to having no record of the item". WTF? She had EVERYTHING equipped to her when this happened. How could you not return items that were equipped to her when you sad in your message "we have sent you your equipped items"? She didn't even get her boots, spaulder, leggings, necklace, gauntlet AND MY DEER!!! Do you know how long i spent trying to get one? It took months of hard work and dedication to even get that much gold! Do you know how hard it is to get that much in this games economy right now? And to say "we can not send the unequipped ones due to having no record of the item" is complete bullcrap!! I have plenty of people that can vouche for me that she always had it when she was on miwary. And this didnt just happen to her...this also happened to another guy named ------. He lost his blessed red nosed reindeer the same day my wife did. Could it have been that someone hacked both of them? This cant just be a coincidence. Could you please look over this again? There are a lot of people in the game that knows that I am not lying when I say this. Hell even ask the person who sold me the deer "leykaa". I worked to hard for that deer just to lose it just like that. Thank you for your time.. For any more info my name in EO is Arc, Daimo, Feliun, And Doctor of mysidia empire.