1. Intelligence of Bots Makers: Lakoo has recently been trying to crack down on bots. Understandibly they few bots as cheating. I have never used a bot or anything, but I am begging to think very differently about how they are considered cheating. Someone who bots firstly has to have the intelligence and computer knowledge to create the bot, hack the game, and then have the bot basically follow a set a directives that repair, regenerate, sell, keep res/chest. Its pretty impressive to say the least.
2. Bots are Helpful To All Players: Bots are the most helpful thing possible in empire online. Bots create massive amounts of res allowing the top empires to continuously make new buildings. New items and weapons shops, new institutes to upgrades skills etc. Bots are a good thing, and if someone is smart enough to create one, as a community we shouldn't report or treat bots with a negative view. That new institution that you plan on using will be funded by the resources of a bot. That cheap key you are purchasing was made by a bot. There arent too many bots out there, probably 3-4 that I know of, but they should not be reported.
Bots are so helpful for all players it would be dumb to help lakoo weed them out of the game. Lakoo's principles to detect bots is weak and after I had reported a bot 2 months ago I got a message asking me for more information (ie, where, what empire, whats the player number). Its like they didnt bother to do the leg work, and when I asked for confirmation if they were bot they said yes. I simply said can I get a reward, to which I was rejected. So here is the plan, DO NOT REPORT BOTS. Help all players in the game grow. Who cares if SG empire are strong? It doesnt matter. The faster they grow the better.
3. Empire Building: Frankly, most empires are irrelevant. They are either inactive, in small numbers, or just have no strength.I understand you want to play with your friends, and in a group that you like and whatever, but in order for most players to benefit from the game, we need SG/SHOGUN/SGE to grow faster.Why not help SG group grow faster? It benefits all players to join and send their resources to SG family. Apart from their taxes (currently at 99%,88%, and 9%) these empires are making the overall gamming experience better for everyone. NEW ITEMS, SKILLS, WEAPONS!
4. Closing Argument: These are great things and as a community, we should not report bots, instead we should support those who have the knowledge to create them. They benefit all players, even if you are not a serious player the top empires offer great skills and items needed to grow stronger. So PLEASE do not report bots, don't feel negative about the top couple empires who choose to use them becasue they benefit everyone indirectly.
Ok, let's just repeat, I don't bot. I originally viewed bots as bad and tried to report them. However, bots are the reason why our game is growing quickly and bots improve our overall game experience.
Its not like lakoo isnt ripping us off with low drop rates or things such as thor (opened 1200 55golden chests and never got a single thor), or perms (opened 600 45 warrior and wizard chests and got no ire, no unicorn, and 2 perms). Lakoo sees bots as cheating, and from their point of view it is. But from a empire online community bots should be looked upon as helpful to our positive experience.