Pet training
dj Hi Aidan, thanks for your feedback and suggestion on the pet training in game for future game improvement consideration. Please let us know if you would like to further elaborate. We hope we can bring our players better and better game experience. Thank you.
Zhi Haoo Hi GM,I'm not really sure where to post my feedback so I shall post it here.regarding the pet training,it is really hell to every players.with new pet coming,we cannot even level it up to use it.reason being we don't have the time.pets are really important in eo,without pet,tanker cant attack with magic pet,no pet defence assist to help us block damage.
Here are my suggestions and really hope it will be use
1) cut down the exp for pet
Cut like half exp of the pet.meaning for example,lv1-10,exp is 10k.shorten it means 5k.
2)design quests specially for pets.leveling pet is not like leveling chars.we can only either grind like hell or buy expensive scrolls.quests for pet are like for example u kill a specific number of mobs n hand in the quests.exp gain from quests are for pets.
3)similar to 2, let us select where the exp gains from handing in of quests go to.for example,after we done orc,we can choose to either take the exp on our own or pass it to pet.Above are my point of view.please make this a better game by carrying out our suggestions.tyvm
dj Hi Zhi Haoo, your feedback on cut in pet required exp, pet quest and character/pet exp sharing is highly appreciated. We hope we can bring more fun and better experience to our players as always via efforts like yours. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have more to share with us. Thank you indeed.
Aidan fehr Cutting pet xp in half is not the right idea.. Makes no sense to make pet training that easy. I have trained at least 20 pets to lv50+ and the worst part is the grinding for hours and hours with no reward. If you give us something to work for it makes grinding more "fun".. Having every player in the server have a max level pet because it it to easy to train them makes the game get boring fast
Aidan fehr Give us prizes for grinding. Daily/Weekly/monthly pet competition.. Give us something!! To make grinding more fun!
dj Hi all, thanks a lot for your feedback. There will be some update/adjustment on pet levelup in near future. Please check in game for any updates as more as you can. Thank you.