While it's difficult to think clearly during a panic attack, there is a simple tactic you can use to lessen the severity and duration of the attack. By splashing your face with cold water, your body automatically responds to what is called the "dive reflex."??? This tricks the brain into thinking that you are going underwater, and it sends messages to the body to slow down your heart rate and restrict blood flow to your extremities, allowing you to breathe easier and feel calmer.
While you're in the middle of a panic attack it can truly feel like you're dying, but it's important to remind yourself that you aren't and that this is just a feeling, not a true medical problem. The more you can control your thoughts during an attack, the shorter the attack will be.
Stay positive during a panic attack! Think about the people you love and how luck you are to have them in your life. Remember your favorite foods, or the places you love to visit, and take your mind there. Think of some awesome things that have happened to you and remember how they felt. Your attack will pass in no time!
During a panic attack you can be overtaken by worrisome "what if" statements, so a great way to get out of that mindset is to change them to "So what?" For example, "What if I fail my test?" turns into "SO WHAT if I fail my test?" Nothing is so bad it's worth suffering over!
Are panic attacks really inescapable? You are the boss of your emotions and body!
Dealing with anxiety is far more difficult if you have to face it alone. Having a good support system will help you overcome your personal obstacles. After all, that is what friends are for.
When you have a panic attack sit down and figure out how it's making you feel at the moment. On a scale from one to ten to rate your feelings. Wait for a while and then rate your anxiety again. Continue until your anxiety is back to a 0.
Count how long your panic attack takes to end, and then write the information down. Continue to keep a journal and watch as your panic attacks get shorter and shorter. As you learn to apply specific tips you'll see that not only do your panic attacks shrink in duration, but also get farther apart.
If you get panic attacks you should learn some diversion tactics to help keep your mind a little occupied and off of the topics that get you stressed. One tactic that you can try is to count down from a hundred really quickly or to do math problems in your head. This will occupy your mind.
If you frequently experience panic attacks (next page) and tension in your life, then you should try this progressive muscle relaxation exercise which will help you relax. Try segmenting your muscle groups and tensing them up and relaxing them progressively. This will give you an incredibly relaxed sensation in your body.
In conclusion, you may have not realized that panic attacks can be as bad or worse than people's phobias. Now, not only do you realize this, but you know a lot more useful information about panic attacks that will help you to better understand yourself, as well as other people.
The Best Ways To Cope With Your Panic Attacks
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