
Battle war Empire

War empire is boring, because we get nothing, from this battle. I suggest:

Battle war more interesting if :

1. Kill Comander NPC get 1 battle badges.

2. Kill Enemy player get exp.2000

3. Enemy NPC can drop Res or item.

I hope that become more interesting.

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  • 0
    Kitara Airbinder

    Hai Friend, what your opinion about Battle Badges ?  Difficult to get in Battle, also almost impossible to Exchange the Reward. its very not interesting. try to compare with Titan's Hair. 30 Titan hair can get Epic item, 500 Battle Badges can Get epic Item. very ubfair. almost impossible to get it.

  • 0
    Kitara Airbinder

    In a battle, not always strength power must win, there have other substance intelligence, cleverness. how the weak have a chance to win. that can be your see in story Romance of Tree Kingdom.

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