Hello community, I am here to let everyone know of a scammer that has been going around scamming people (including me) in the Bosina server. Some pf you guys know that there is a scammer that has been going around hitting members of the top guild as well as other players in the game. This scammer is know to use tactics such as impersonating trusted players to get gold/items or item to item trade scams. In the following post I will list the scammer name, known alts, people that have been or attempted to be scammed by him/her.
Scammer name:
- Bliss Lv 55 Shaman, Maya
Known Alts:
- Picture Lv1 Hunter, Atlantis
- Requiem Lv 18 Shaman, Maya
- ReSeller lv1 Artificer, Atlantis
- Stuffs lv1 Artificer, Atlantis
- Onlysell
- PUNCH lvl 20 Kungfu Fighter, Eastland
- Me (My name is ████████ )
- Altiare
- a few people form the empire NiteMare (have yet to get names)
- Noah
- Daisy
- Schere