
Banned account

Recently lakoo had banned MVP3 account stated the reason that he had been grinding at boars without leaving the map and he may used some kind of bot(?) which is ridiculous because he did enter pt45 and has communicate with his empire mates. I assumed that someone did report him and lakoo banned him without checking(?) Now he's asking for the evIdences that he was using bot but lakoo just avoid his question. Come on, just admit that it was your fault and unban him already. You gain nothing in this action but ruin your reputation.
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    Lee Cotterill

    This is so rediculous. He grinded boars so he could reach level 60, he never cheated!!! Lakoo said that MVP1 spent a lot of time grinding boars and never left boars, which is a total lie. MVP1 does dailies, orc, leaves peach boars to repair, as well as talks to fellow empire members on Private Chat and Empire Chat.

    He is not a bot, who cares if he spent 8+ hours at boars in one day? You think Uni-K got to level 60 without spending absurd amount of time grinding??

    This ban is totally rediculous, he hasn't done anything wroing but play the game and want to get to level 60.

    When this total bs ban it over, you need not only to spot pretending like he was cheating, but you need to apologize and compensate him for this tyranical and unacceptable behavior.

    Who cares if the guy spent a lot of times and boars, the idea that he could stay at boars without repairing is rediculous.... EVEN BOTS WERE REPAIRING!! Not bot could go without repairing, healing, mp'ing... you just can't.

    MVP isn't a bot, and this is a massive mistake to wrongfully accuse someone, to attempt to ruin his fun playing and to ruin his ability to level for several days (possible weeks)... there needs to be an apology on forums... Hell, APOLOGIZE TO HIM IN THE GAME ON THE OPENING WINDOW!!!! and then give him EXP scrolls to make up for the time he could not be grinding his artificier.


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    Unfortunate to hear of this.  I know that I spent a lot of extra hours grinding when I was first going to hit 55.  

    Good luck w/ getting this issue fixed

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    Hi all,

    sorry if any misunderstanding/inconvenience is caused. In fact, more factors are involved than Cots and GT200 listed above when a character is banned. We are sorry that we cannot elaborate here as it may hurt privacy. However, one thing we can ensure all of our players: our processing is based on system records and related rules. We hope you know that we do not take actions like banning account easily.

    We have to say BOT is foxy. During our processing, we are trying our best to minimize the impact on normal players. We look forward to your understanding if your cooperation is necessary. We do not allow our terms of use to be broken and we will not break them as well.

    In one word, our efforts will continue against BOT or any illegal in-game behavior, despite temporary misunderstanding/inconvenience for some players, if you're misled. 

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    Just my few cents.

    1) Actually Lakoo has the rights to not to provide any of the evidence to the users because this is the company rules and regulation (but i am not sure why Lakoo not replying on this question from the user). If a user taken this to a court and yes Lakoo should bring up the evidence but i am sure that the company will have more advantage for this (in legal purpose)

    2) If Lakoo manage to trace this issue is related to bot factor, i am sure that the company have enough evidence to do so else i don't know why Lakoo want to banned their user just without a reason because this is the company reputation and as well as their user base growth.

    3) Lakoo should double and triple check it again since there are so many users to complaint about this whether this is truth or the user is lying. The reason i said so is because myself don't even trust Lakoo team because based on what i can see in the game and in this forum, the team is not taking their responsibility and also there is no proper communication and team work (if you want to know why i said so, try to read my older post). So Lakoo please do few more checking and to make sure what is the cause (user or your database issue - or using wrong query?)

    4) For rewards mentioned above, is all up to the company where how they want to do it (whether to give or not to give rewards). This is just to pleased the user


    Please note that my comment here is not to harm anyone. I'm just sharing you guys how a company rules and the fact. Also, please note that this is not only for this issue or maybe other as well

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    what about an account that cannot enter the game since yesterday eve? all that popping was ''confirm'' and ''cancel''.. gosh..

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    I am still wondering whether this issue solve yet or not. Lakoo seems not to replying to their user in this forum and it really show that they are not pro active at all. What a shame on you Lakoo. Like i said before, if you can't manage the forum, just close it. Simple.

    All your CS team is lazy and do nothing in this forum. Your manager are blind too and can't even manage the team well. Poor!

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    Hi Ivy,

    To better check your problem for you, please write to with related screeshot when failed, your account/character information, any system prompt if available and maybe more after further checking. Thank you.

    Tips: Please do not leak your account information here on privacy.  

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    Back to this thread. If i am not mistaken, i saw the ID 'MVP3' unbanned in the game. This is great because he is a good player. 

    Question, can i say is this case solve? If yes, why Lakoo never reply whether is it your side or the user side problem? Am not here to blame, i as a user (or maybe the rest) need to know why and how this thing caused so that the others member will know how serious is this case.

    If you did told MVP3 via email (i am sure you did), which is good. BUT, since there is a topic raise here and many of us notice this, yet we (or maybe myself) still need to know it. This is why a forum for... 

    Anyways, i am sure Lakoo won't reply to it. 

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    Hey danielle,

    Thanks for you interest, and for your compliment.

    Yes, Lakoo finally unban me after 8 days of waiting around and fighting my innocence. They originally was not going to unban, but i gave them one last email and ultimatium. The next day i found all my requests on here were deleted, and nothing else, so i was going to blow up, but my instinct told me to check MVP3 and I found he was unbanned.

    In essence, they did not tell me i was unbanned, they did not apologize, and they did not compensate me for the lost time, which is fine because all i wanted was to play my artificer again as he is my main.

    Furthermore, i still don't know who accused me, and what proof they had, or how this whole thing was caused. All i do know is that i never did anything wrong, just play the game. Just speculating here but i guess the person who report me didn't want to see me leveling, or try to get me to quit or who knows, but i never bothered anyone so i dunno why someone would do that to me. Anyways, i don't care, but its important issue because anyone can accuse anybody as a bot without proof, just need a couple of characters reporting, and it was probably the same person.

    In the future i would tell players to document everything substantial that they do; ie, if going to MJ write down when and time, if buy silver, write down date/time etc. Because apparently, Lakoo procedure is to ban no questions asked if only just a few people report something, THEN ask questions.

    I hope it gives you some closure danielle, as for me i'm slowly trying to get my artificer equipped now that i'm 60, been slow process because the market sucks in this game, but thats for another topic :p

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    Hi MVP and other players may ever be banned/frozen/disabled, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding caused. We are  improving our efforts and system against BOT or other illegal behavior in game. And the system has to be updated again and again as that in real world since BOT or bad guys in real world are updating their tricks as well. We look forward to your understanding and cooperation and we ensure all of our players all our actions, never taken easily, are not against  our terms of use and we are always trying our efforts to minimize the impact to legal players. Our efforts are aimed at game balance and good game environment only, which we believe is also important to our players' game experience. For detailed account banning/freezing/disabled issue, please contact our in-game GM or submit a ticket in via account-bound email address on privacy and account safety. We will check for you. Thank you.

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    Glad to hear that MVP3 account is back on and thanks for informing to us. Grats that you're now level 60 too. Yay.

    Lakoo, if we don't ever ask about how you guys solve this problem, do you think you will reply to this thread (just leave it open?)? Let me ask you, when your stupid system detect user who do any bad behaviour, you guys will banned the account on the spot. Which is good and i do understand the impact to the organisation. So my question is, if you guys notice that it is due to your stupid system fault, all you do is just unbanned the account? That's all? Without any email notification, without any apologise to your user... Is this the way your team is doing work? If yes, this really make me mad. The word you mentioned 'misunderstanding caused' should apply to you (Lakoo) and not the user. Your team are such an idiot! I do hope your management will see how good is the team. 

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