Hey Kos,
Can we please get a heads up of all upcomming events, roughly their dates , in the annoucement section. It only needs to be a prelimiary schedule like of dragon boat event (date), then easter event (date), etc... Then as event draws closer, you can expand like you did on st. patricks day annoucement. If you can also include the stats of new items (or even give us the bind effects). Also when you annouce updates please annouce the tweaks that youve made, show us what youre doing. SHOW YOUR WORK, remember you get points for showing your work. If you want to see an example, go look at league of legends, the damn company releases a video each time they make any tweaks. How hard would it be to simply post 3-4 main things youve done with your updates.
Secondly, we as a community need some updates. Level 60 cap, updates on new class release, new mounts and capes. We do even care if the level 60 instances are 100% ready, just release the update to lvl60 and worry about expanding the number of lvl60 events later. Even if only two are available now, release those two events and give us something to do. The lvl 60 cap raise in particular, just do it, its easy text input and should have came out 6 months ago.
Google translation, use it, the thing is amazing. Even if its not 100% accurate all the time, the thing is 99% accurate and that is good enough. Who cares if its slightly wrong, adjust it later. Use the community to find and notify you of the problems.
Good idea - Last event fashions were autobinding, it was good call. It didnt crash the market and it didnt hurt the market of 20-10 regen fashions from people who spent $ to open IAP bags. Unlike when I had capes in TP and IAP gave people so many dm and evil capes that I lose 4-5K gold. I spent $ to open chests to sell capes and then you screw my market place and price over by floading the market.